Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Not Ready to Make Nice or YEA For The Dixie Chicks
The Dixie Chicks released their first new album since the great hoopla over the remark made by Natalie Maines to a London audience that she was ashamed that George W. was from Texas.
The country fans, showing that they are a bunch of puppets incapable of original thought, responded by boycotting the Chicks.
Country stations refused to play their music. They were kind of kicked out of the country music scene.
Now it has come out that they received death threats. The police had to escort them on and off stage at their concerts.
They have been severely chastised since then. Natalie even made an apology, saying that she was sorry she had made the remarks because they showed disrespect.
Now she clairifes that the remark showed disrespect for the office, but she doesn't feel that way anymore "I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever."
She should really be jumping up and down shouting "I Told You So!"
Their song "Not Ready To Make Nice" has definite political overtones.
The line "I can't believe that the words I said made you jump clean over the edge". about sums it up.
Cnn has a good article on the new album at:http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/05/21/cover.story.tm/index.html
As for me the first thing I did after hearing the song was to rush to I Tunes and buy a download of the album...It's realy quite good even though I normally listen only to Christian and Jazz.
It is thought that the chicks are actually telling the country people "F--You!" with the song "Not Ready To Make Nice."
They are thought to be trying to cross over to a different audience.
As the article on CNN says, "By gambling their country careers on a change of audience its an undeniable fact that three women from Texas have proven that they have the biggest balls in Ă„merican music".
Do your self a favor and buy the album its very good. Ecnourage your radio stations to play their music. "Balls this big "deserve support.
Deacon Harry
The country fans, showing that they are a bunch of puppets incapable of original thought, responded by boycotting the Chicks.
Country stations refused to play their music. They were kind of kicked out of the country music scene.
Now it has come out that they received death threats. The police had to escort them on and off stage at their concerts.
They have been severely chastised since then. Natalie even made an apology, saying that she was sorry she had made the remarks because they showed disrespect.
Now she clairifes that the remark showed disrespect for the office, but she doesn't feel that way anymore "I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever."
She should really be jumping up and down shouting "I Told You So!"
Their song "Not Ready To Make Nice" has definite political overtones.
The line "I can't believe that the words I said made you jump clean over the edge". about sums it up.
Cnn has a good article on the new album at:http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/05/21/cover.story.tm/index.html
As for me the first thing I did after hearing the song was to rush to I Tunes and buy a download of the album...It's realy quite good even though I normally listen only to Christian and Jazz.
It is thought that the chicks are actually telling the country people "F--You!" with the song "Not Ready To Make Nice."
They are thought to be trying to cross over to a different audience.
As the article on CNN says, "By gambling their country careers on a change of audience its an undeniable fact that three women from Texas have proven that they have the biggest balls in Ă„merican music".
Do your self a favor and buy the album its very good. Ecnourage your radio stations to play their music. "Balls this big "deserve support.
Deacon Harry