Saturday, May 27, 2006


More Music Stuff

After my recent post about the Dixie Chicks new album which took a slap at the face of country music. I thought that I ought to mention Neil Youngs new album "Living With War" The big song from the album is "Lets Impeach The President".
Although I agree with a couple of the points he makes, I do feel that he might have gone a bit overboard on some of it.

He does have a point about the lying and waging war against Iraq to seek revenge for 911. It has been proven over and over that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the acts of terrorism.

So we invaded an innocent country to seek "weapons of mass destruction" that never existed. Meanwhile Al Queaeda was secure and far away..

Most of the accusations about Bush have some basis in fact, but some of rhetoric of the extreme left is even hard for me to swallow.

There is no doubt, however, that the administration has been involved in illegal and unconstitutional spying on American citizens in the name of "national security".

In fact, too me, there is one issue that to me points out that George W and Nixon have a lot in common.
They both have an attitude that they are "the emperor" and that the rules do not apply to them.

Anything they wish to do is ok, and is justified because it helps to reach their goals.

George can be expected to have this type of attitude when you consider that his mother said of the New Orleans refugees living in the Astrodome actually came out of eveything in a good position because they were poor befor and now they were recieving money from the government.

Actually, in retrospect, maybe I do agree with Neil on one thing..Impeachment of the President may be a good thing. Nixon deserved it and so does George.

As for the album, I operate the sound board at our church and I would be embarassed if I recorded something as poorly done as this album.

But it if you think his message is the important thing and you want to hear what he has to say buy it. Run it loud and boost the 1 K frequencies on your eq to make the lyrics clearer. It's worth hearing.

Here is a link to Neil's website where you can find out more about the album.

Deacon Harry

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