Thursday, March 30, 2006


I was Just Thinking...

Oral Roberts fell and broke his hip. I can hardly wait for Pat Robertson to say why God did this to him. (Jim Barach)
a line I lifted from the Log Cabin Republican Newsletter forwarded to me by a friend.

There are some real prizes in the fundamentalist camp. Jerry Fallwell impresses me as a real snake in the grass. I would never trust him for even 1/2 a second. Ask Tammy Faye about him.
Pat Robertson is my favorite, though. This man is a real contorionist! I have never in my life known of another human being who could stick his foot so far down his own throat! He has got to be an embarrassment to the other right wing radicals.( W is not far behind.)
I love it when something happens to a famous person. I always want to hear what Pat has to say.

Flip Benham is very active around our area. Have you ever heard him speak in public? I would say that he sounds like a slimy, untrustworthy, con man used car salesman. But that would be an insult to slimy, untrustworthy, used car salesmen everywhere.

And then there is Freddy Phelps. His church members all seem to be inbred members of his family.
I heard his son on the radio recently.All I can say is "that nut didn't fall far from the tree."

My biggest message, which I tried to calm down for a long time is that my God did not make me so he could have someone to hate!
I know I was made in his image. I am happy and I am saved! I accept Christ as my Savior and I dedicate my life to serving Him. What more could anyone ask?

I hope that any young people who happen upon this site will remember one thing.
No matter what you have heard, It is Ok to be yourself. God does love you no matter what some ill advised persons may have told you.

Deacon Harry

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