Friday, February 10, 2006
Focus on The Family
This is a copy of an email that I sent to a very dear firend concerning an email that she forwarded to many people urging that they join a campaign by "Focus on the Family"attacking CBS due to the cancellation of "Touched By An Angel.". We have exchanged emails about the forwarding and I did rather over react, but, I hate to see a well meaning loving, trusting person being used to spread the propaganda of the fundamentalists hate .
This link takes you to Focus on the Family's website search results on the word Gay.
I think this is an example of why I don't like the group and is something I included in the e-mail to show her why that group does not deserve her support.
It seems that in the message that she forwarded Dr Dobson was delibertly slanting things to make the cancellation seem like it was done to attack Christianity.
If that were the case then why would the network have ever presented the program in the first place?
CBS is a business and their goal is to present programing that brings viewers, sells advertising and makes money. If they did not like the shows Christian slant they would simply not have aired it in the first place.
However that is not what Dr Dobson stated in his campaign against this business cancelling a non profitable show. He, and his group, Focus On The Family, changed the story entirely to fit his own agenda.
Like most of the radical right they feel that anyone who doesn't fit their model is the enemy and anything they say or do is ok if it defeats the enemy.
President Jimmy Carter has strong enough feelings abou the fundamentalists to write a book about their influence. Its called Öur Endangered Values".
He says"The most important factor is that fundamentalists have become increasingly influential in both religion and government, and have managed to change the nuances and subtleties of historic debate into black and white rigities and the personal derogation of those who dare to disagree."
"The influence of these trends poses a threat to many of our nation's historic customs and moral commitments both in governments and houses of worship."
Narrowly defined theological beliefs have been adopted as the ridgid agenda of a political party.
The irresolvable difference of opinion on abortion, homosexuality, and other sensitive social issues have been exacerbated by the insistence of intensly committed hard-liners on imposing their minority views on a more moderate majority."
Mike Piaza (yes him) says Focus on the Family and the American Family Association and other groups like them area real threat to all Americans freedoms.
I am very passionate about this subject because I feel that the country Dan & I both love and defended in uniform is in a very real danger.
What may seem to be perfectly logical Christian truths can frequently be untrue and their statements can be misleading and are put forth to further their own agenda.
These are the same people who recently tried to bully Ford into dropping all support and advertising from all gay publications. They have boycotted Disney, and many others. All in the name of their brand of Christianity.
This is totally against what I believe are Christian and American values.
I am a Christian, and am sure of my faith and my salvation. It is not through the God of Dr Dobson. It is through the Grace of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me.
Deacon Harry
This link takes you to Focus on the Family's website search results on the word Gay.
I think this is an example of why I don't like the group and is something I included in the e-mail to show her why that group does not deserve her support.
It seems that in the message that she forwarded Dr Dobson was delibertly slanting things to make the cancellation seem like it was done to attack Christianity.
If that were the case then why would the network have ever presented the program in the first place?
CBS is a business and their goal is to present programing that brings viewers, sells advertising and makes money. If they did not like the shows Christian slant they would simply not have aired it in the first place.
However that is not what Dr Dobson stated in his campaign against this business cancelling a non profitable show. He, and his group, Focus On The Family, changed the story entirely to fit his own agenda.
Like most of the radical right they feel that anyone who doesn't fit their model is the enemy and anything they say or do is ok if it defeats the enemy.
President Jimmy Carter has strong enough feelings abou the fundamentalists to write a book about their influence. Its called Öur Endangered Values".
He says"The most important factor is that fundamentalists have become increasingly influential in both religion and government, and have managed to change the nuances and subtleties of historic debate into black and white rigities and the personal derogation of those who dare to disagree."
"The influence of these trends poses a threat to many of our nation's historic customs and moral commitments both in governments and houses of worship."
Narrowly defined theological beliefs have been adopted as the ridgid agenda of a political party.
The irresolvable difference of opinion on abortion, homosexuality, and other sensitive social issues have been exacerbated by the insistence of intensly committed hard-liners on imposing their minority views on a more moderate majority."
Mike Piaza (yes him) says Focus on the Family and the American Family Association and other groups like them area real threat to all Americans freedoms.
I am very passionate about this subject because I feel that the country Dan & I both love and defended in uniform is in a very real danger.
What may seem to be perfectly logical Christian truths can frequently be untrue and their statements can be misleading and are put forth to further their own agenda.
These are the same people who recently tried to bully Ford into dropping all support and advertising from all gay publications. They have boycotted Disney, and many others. All in the name of their brand of Christianity.
This is totally against what I believe are Christian and American values.
I am a Christian, and am sure of my faith and my salvation. It is not through the God of Dr Dobson. It is through the Grace of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me.
Deacon Harry