Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Broke Back take

Everyone else is talking about the movie Brokeback Mountain.
Dan took me to see it for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. I loved the movie.

Of all the votes on gay marriage, equal rights and other issues, this movie probably did the most good in advancing LGBT rights of anything in the last year.

Seeing Heath Ledger on the mainstream networks talking to Jay Leno about predjudice against gays in today's society was truly mind boggling
to me.

Heath Ledger"s performance was outstanding. I could see myself for the first 35 years of my life in him. The hurt and anguish as he tried to deny such a major part of himself. It did bring tears to my eyes, not just for Ennis Del Mar, Heath's character, but for myself and for all the
Gay men everywhere who have denied themselves happiness by refusing to accept who they are.

There is something wrong in a society that teaches that you cannot be who God made you to be.

That's the reason that I am so "out " in my own personal life. Its only by having the personal courage to live publicly and openly as who we really are that we can influence the hearts and minds of those we meet.
We owe it to ourselves and more importantly, to future generations, to work to change the attitudes of society. It must happen in order to bring about a world where no one will be denied a part of their being by predjudice and hatred.

Thats why I encourage all LGBT persons to COME OUT. Show the world that you are who you are and that it's ok. Most of the population are influenced by untruths they have heard all their lives about gays. We can only change the world by educating them. We have to show by our example that we are normal and we are ok.

Sometimes it will necessitate some discomfort by us today, some comments made behind our backs that we pretend that we didn't hear.Occasionally there may be open hostility from some ignorant people.

They can call me names behind my back or even to my face, but if I don't have the courage to stand up for myself and for the future generations, if I back down because someone else does not accept me as myself then I am failing myself and my people.

So yes, I loved the movie, I have great hope that its success will cause a flood of copy cat movies to hit the market, which frequently seems to happen.

The more that mainstream America sees that GLBT people have feelings and can experience deep love the better it is for America.

Thank you to Ang Lee, Larry McMurty, and the entire cast and crew for making this movie.

Deacon Harry

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