Saturday, December 31, 2005


A New Years Announcement!

I have made a couple of new changes recently, as well some new posts.
If you would like to be notified when I do a new posting enter your e-mail to the left and you will be automatically notified of new posts.

This blog was 1 month old yesterday in that time I have had 270 visitors, most in the first week when I e-mailed my friends and told them about it.
I have had hits from all around the world on every continent. I am amazed, I don't even know how to pronounce a few of the towns!

I seem to have strayed recently into main-line politics which is not my real purpose. I am going to try to keep my postings centered on Human Rights and Christianity. I hope you enjoy reading my posts and will tell your friends about my blog. If they forget the URL they can google me as gaydeacon(1 word) . At the bottom of each post is an icon to click on to leave me any comments.

I want to wish all of you a wonderful, joyful and Christ filled New Year
God Bless, Deacon Harry

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