Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Fundamentalist Threats to America

The fundamentalists effect on the American way of life continues to grow.
Human and American rights are attacked on a daily basis.
Groups such as the American Family Association, & Focus on the Family, are attacking corporations who they feel are supporting human rights. They have boycotted, Ford, Heinz, Walt Disney, and many other companies for donating to human rights causes . They have been sucessful in a some cases, mostly not.

The defense dept is investigating "threats" from students at colleges across the nation who are merely exercising their constitutional rights to free speech. How can a" kiss- in "be a threat? The government is blackmailing colleges and universities by threating funding cuts to schools that choose not to let recruiters on campus.

The Senate is engaged in cutting Medicare benefits and raising deductibles and adding new premiums for coverage. Those hurt most by this are those on low and fixed incomes, such as the elderly and especially those living with HIV/AIDS. The bill passed with a 50/50 vote and was decided by Vice President Cheney.
The Center for disease control has set new guidelines requiring agencies who fund HIV/AIDS programs to collect new information including a complete sexual history and the names of all sexual partners.
This will eat the funds of the agencies because of the additional record keeping and will discourage many from using these service.
The congress is working to increasing funding to programs which teach abstinence and cutting funding for those who use more effective and realistic approaches.
The Ryan White CARE Act funding was continued at a too low level and not increased as is needed to provide care as costs raise.

Former President Jimmy Carter has written a book titled " Our Endangered Values" In it he says that our country has historically shown acommitmentt to preserving the separationn of church and state and the protection of basic American Values.

He says that the financial backing of the convservative politicians by wealthy minority religious groups is resulting the deterioration of a major basic American fundamental, the separation of church and state.

According to Carter this new group of "neoconservatives" and their influence constitute a major threat to the basic fundamentals of what made America great. Do yourself a favor and buy and read his book.

The "old man"side of me sometimes feels that these fundamentalists will find themselves out of power eventually when the more mainline voters wake up to what if happening to the America we all grew up loving.

However, another part of me is scared of what is happening to our country, our freedoms and our values.

One thing I do know, the fundamentalists are right we do face a major threat to our country!......................But, it is them......Deacon Harry

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