Saturday, December 24, 2005


Dept of Defense Investigates a "dangerous" Kiss-In

NBC News recently obtained 8 pages from a 400 page report on "threats"and "suspicious incidents"across America.

Among others, The Pentagon spied on New York University law school's LGBT group OUTlaw which they classified as possibly violent, along with a group at William Patterson College in New Jersey and The University at Albany, a part of the State University of New York system. The president of U of A described a demonstration on campus which was monitored by the Dept Of Defense. He said that there were a dozen students participating and 100 people observing. He went on to call the military presence on campus totally inapproriate.
The DOD also investigated a "cedible threat" of terrorism at a gay kiss-in at the University of California- Santa Cruz.
Makes you wonder doesn't it? Deacon Harry

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